Conference “QUALITY OF LIFE, ARCHITECTURE AND TOURISM” organized by Ordem dos Arquitectos in Lagos, 20 de March 2015. Participation with a presentation entitled: “Construção Dispersa – Mito ou realidade?” /”Sparse Construction – Myth or Reality?” Abstract: Scattered construction is understood, in the current legislative framework, as the promoter of fragmentation of the landscape, compromising the stability and functions of the territory. In the Algarve, land-use planning instruments transposed this concept to local municipalities masterplan/ P.D.M.’s in order to reduce urbanizable areas and to contain them in urban perimeters. Sparse construction is forbidden. At the extreme opposite the architecture that is admired and celebrated by architects attributes singularity to the isolated architectural object in the landscape. Drawing on examples, either contemporary or key references of the history of architecture, this presentation intends to demonstrate how construction in the rural landscape and residential tourism can complement and value it without compromising the urban infrastructure.
Antigos Paços do Concelho, Praça Gil Eanes
20 de Março de 2015
09:30 – 10:00 Sessão de abertura
Presidente da Câmara Municipal de Lagos, Dra Maria Joaquina Matos
Presidente da Ordem dos Arquitectos, Arquitecto João Santa-Rita
10:00-11:00 I Comunicações institucionais
Câmara Municipal de Albufeira, Arquitecta Isabel Valadares
Câmara Municipal de Lagos, Arquitecta Marta Marreiros
Delegação OA de Faro, Arquitecto Vítor Lourenço
11:30 – 12:00 Política Pública de Arquitectura e Paisagem (divulgação)
Ordem dos Arquitectos, Arquitecto Jorge Bonito Santos
Associação Portuguesa de Arquitectos Paisagistas, Arquitecta paisagista Margarida Cancela de Abreu
12:00-12:30 Debate aberto à assistência
moderado pela Professora Arquitecta Patrícia Gonçalves Costa
Almoço livre
14:30 – 16:30 II Comunicações
Arquitectos Miguel Ferreira, Vasco Leónidas, Mário Martins, Pedro Ressano Garcia e Nuno Vidigal
17:00 – 18:00 Debate aberto à assistência
moderado pelo Professor Arquitecto Pedro Belo Ravara
Arquitectos Miguel Ferreira, Vasco Leónidas, Mário Martins, Pedro Ressano Garcia e Nuno Vidigal
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